Your data is yours! At DECATHLON, we believe that you should have control over your data. This is the direction we are taking, bearing in mind that we still have a long way to go. Apart from the few legal obligations to which we are subject, only you can accept that they are used by DECATHLON. If we sometimes rely on subcontractors, they only act on our own behalf and in accordance with our instructions.
We are transparent about all data concerning you! You can find on this page all the processing related to your personal data. Where, when, how, why do we process your data and, also, what are your rights. By logging into your account control your security, manage some of your personal data. We are working to give you control over all your personal data in this place.
DECATHLON is a member of the VALIUZ alliance.
VALIUZ brings together a group of companies around customer knowledge, with the aim of helping them personalize their offers and communications and contributing to personalize online advertising. VALIUZ is a company co-owned by DECATHLON. To consult the list of participating companies of the alliance, click here .
What service does VALIUZ provide?
Thanks to VALIUZ, companies that know you (for example because you are already their customers or subscribed to their newsletter) can securely share information relating to your interests and purchasing habits for the purposes listed below:
VALIUZ performs statistical processing that allows each company in the alliance to better understand its customers’ expectations and thus develop its business and offering. These analyses are anonymous and aggregated (the result relates to a group of customers and not an individual). For example, thanks to better knowledge of the territory and local expectations, a company that is a member of the alliance can identify the best location to open a new store and adapt its range accordingly. The legal basis for this processing is legitimate interest.
Advertising profiling for the purpose of personalizing communications and advertising:
Based on the information you have provided to the alliance companies of which you are a customer (and only these), and your browsing data, VALIUZ establishes your advertising profile, which allows members to send you communications and advertisements corresponding to your interests: your preferred purchasing method, the time of day when you prefer to consult new products, the products that interest you, etc. The legal bases for this processing are: Legitimate interest for advertising profiling and consent for the collection of browsing data.
Personalization of online advertising from third-party advertisers:
VALIUZ helps to personalize advertising banners displayed online on sites promoting the products and services of third-party advertisers (audience extension). Your purchase or internet browsing data is never transmitted to the advertisers concerned (i.e. companies that wish to promote their products and services) or to third-party partner sites (i.e. sites that you visit and that allow advertisers to display their ads). Only the audience that VALIUZ considers you to correspond to is shared with third-party sites.
This customization can only take place if the following 3 conditions are met:
- You have consented to the deposit of a VALIUZ cookie (advertising purpose) when browsing our website;
- You have consented to the placement of a cookie for advertising purposes on a third-party VALIUZ partner site;
- You have not objected to the sharing of your personal data with VALIUZ.
Concretely, if the 3 conditions are met, the third-party site that you are visiting may allow its partner advertisers to display the most relevant advertising to you, taking into account the audience to which VALIUZ has associated you.
The legal bases for this processing are: Legitimate interest for advertising profiling and consent for the collection of browsing data.
What data allows you to benefit from this service?
- Personal information that you have communicated to the members of the alliance (example: age group, location, gender, etc.);
- Your online and in-store purchase history with alliance members;
- If you have accepted the VALIUZ cookie, your online browsing (pages visited, most viewed products, etc.), data freely accessible to the public (open-data) or from databases provided by third parties (example: INSEE).
Your telephone number, email address, postal address or your first and last names are not transmitted to the members of the alliance. A member of the alliance who does not know you will never be able to receive information about you. VALIUZ does not reuse the data collected to send you communications and does not manage the communications (newsletter) or advertisements sent to you by its members.
What is the VALIUZ cookie used for?
The cookie placed on the websites and mobile applications of the members of the alliance allows VALIUZ to collect your browsing information on the websites of the members of the alliance (pages visited, products viewed and purchased). This information is compared with the data that you have provided to the members of the alliance (example: age group, in-store purchase history, etc.) and completes your profile for the purposes mentioned above.
To make the connection between your data held by the members of the alliance and your Internet browsing data, VALIUZ uses the service of the company MEDIARITHMICS which, using a digital identifier (cookie), allows you to be recognized. The creation of this identifier (of type “XXX”) is carried out by MEDIARITHMICS as data controller. The collection of this identifier generated by the MEDIARITHMICS cookie when you browse our Site constitutes a processing for which Decathlon and MEDIARITHMICS are jointly responsible. MEDIARITHMICS then processes this identifier in order to compare it with its reconciliation table. This operation allows it to confirm that the same browser has been identified on the site of several of its customers, and for VALIUZ on the site of the members of the alliance.
MEDIARITHMICS is responsible for processing this correspondence table. For more information on the reconciliation processing carried out by MEDIARITHMICS, see the MEDIARITHMICS data protection policy available here.
How long is data kept by VALIUZ?
The data used by VALIUZ is based on a maximum of 3 years of history. The data is kept by VALIUZ for the time necessary to achieve the purposes mentioned above and deleted in accordance with the retention policy defined by the company that collected your data. The browsing data collected by the VALIUZ cookie is kept for a maximum of 12 months.
Opposition to the sharing of my DECATHLON data with VALIUZ
If you wish to specifically object to DECATHLON sharing your data with VALIUZ, you can:
- Set up your opposition from your account in the Settings/Use of data/Sharing with VALIUZ menu;
- Send us an email to [email protected] ;
- Opt out by clicking on the link provided at the bottom of the commercial emails that may have been sent to you;
- Delete the VALIUZ cookie (“advertising cookie”) by configuring your cookies.
Furthermore, you can also refuse to have advertisements displayed on third-party sites personalized by refusing advertising cookies placed by these sites.
If you wish to object to the VALIUZ service globally and for all member companies, you can go to the VALIUZ website and enter your email address by clicking here. In this case, the data transmitted to VALIUZ and linked to the email address used will no longer be processed by VALIUZ.